External images (links to image hosting websites)

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External images (links to image hosting websites)

Post by admin »

Images/photos from external websites (photobucket, imgur, imageshack etc) have a habit of disappearing from the Forum when the hosting service changes its terms of use or the user account is closed or has the settings changed. (Remember, we're looking at how things will be years later on when people may even have completely forgotten what they were doing way back when.)

This usually massively reduces the usefulness of the original topic or post.

At the date of this posting (November 2023) we have a slightly confusing view of this functionality so to clarify:
uploading pictures directly to the Forum (as attachments) has to be the only acceptable method; please do NOT set links to external image sources, no matter how much more efficient 'sharing' (rather than 'localising') might seem.
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Re: External images (links to image hosting websites)

Post by Vincent.vanGinneke »

Adding to that, I am reluctant (old man being obnoxious) having to have to register to yet another picture hosting website.
Yes I know, it's futile trying not to spread ones details all over the place but this forum has a perfectly good way of uploading pictures.
please dont be stubborn and think you know whats best, better for us !
Thank you, I hope this gets read .......

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