W/NG Rack / Carrier / Panniers

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W/NG Rack / Carrier / Panniers

Post by PeterW »

I have a 1940 WN/G that came with a genuine (as far as I can tell) rack and panniers.
I had been thinking of selling it but have changed my mind, however the process got me thinking about the Rack.

I think a 1940 bike should just have the rack that was standard at the time - like this one:
WNG - FOM344 b.jpg
Rather than the later standard - which is what I currently have:
WNG - C5361818 - IWM-02.jpg
One of the chaps that was interested in the bike mentioned he'd be interested in the rack & panniers. As I've never fitted them (they are heavy and I dont see the point lugging them about empty) I'd be happy to let them go but I'd really like to fit the correct rack.

So two things to ponder - where can I find an original rack? Drags & PArkwood dont seem to stock them.
What sort of price would be reasonable for my current set?
And is there anyone out there with a 1940 style rack that would want to swap with a bit of cash adjustment my way :¬)
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Re: W/NG Rack / Carrier / Panniers

Post by paul.jameson »

I suspect that the original rack on your bike might have been replaced by the later version at some stage during the bike's military career when it went in for overhaul. In that case, you might consider the later rack to be part of the bike's history. To help determine whether the bike has seen changes at overhaul, does it have the original engine? To answer that question, you can PM me the engine and frame numbers and I will check for you, if you wish.
Paul Jameson
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Roger Gwynn
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Re: W/NG Rack / Carrier / Panniers

Post by Roger Gwynn »

FOM 344 was from a fairly early contract C 8574 although the specific bike is not identified in the despatch book. In both of the versions of the parts book for this contract the earlier civilian type of rack is listed, as shown in the photo. It does have a -40 part number but this would be because the mudguard is slightly different. It wasn't until the 9th contract in Spring 1941 that the later rack was first fitted and at least one later contract used the civvy type rack. Each contract had a different spec and its own parts book, so if you want to get it right you need to know the contract for your bike and consult the relevant parts book. The IWM photo is from a late 1943 contract S 2601.
Roger Gwynn, Membership Secretary, curator of the Machine Register and the works drawings. Director of Draganfly Motorcycles, Craven Equipment and Supreme Motorcycles mostly retired.
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Re: W/NG Rack / Carrier / Panniers

Post by PeterW »

Many thanks Roger

Its interesting.
My Numbers are:
Engine Number: BH4493
Frame Number: XG15102

The number painted on the tank is 453834 but thats missing a digit.
Based on the frame I reckon it should be about 4463457 (wild guess)
Based on the engine I reckon it should be about 4460373
So lets split the difference and call it 4461915 :¬)

Either way, the mudguard looks like it used to have the civilian style rack fitted.
If I can find a drawing I'll have a go at making one. If not it will just have to be an approximation. I'm more interested in it being usable than worried about complete originality.
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Roger Gwynn
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Re: W/NG Rack / Carrier / Panniers

Post by Roger Gwynn »

Your engine is from contract C8722 and the is almost certainly from the same contract but is not listed either a clerical error or more likely it was supplied as a spare frame. This contract was fitted with the earlier civvy type carrier.

This motorcycle was supplied as part of a contract for 2,000 W/NG, dated 7th December 1940, delivery commenced to Chilwell Ordnance Depot on 16th November 1940 and was completed on 4th March 1941. They received census (tank) numbers between C 4,459,718 to C 4,461,717, the engine numbers were BH 3,838 to 6,149 and the frame numbers were XG 11,246 and 16,758 plus 21,965 with many gaps and the cost was £54/10/- each. One motorcycle (engine no. BH 5,024, frame no. XG 15,626, Census (tank) no. C 4,460,559) had a cast iron gearbox shell and one (engine no. BH 4,423, Census (tank) no. C 4,460,175) a 500cc engine. Entries for BH 3,838-5,110 are in book 141 listed as W/NG, the remainder are in book 37, listed as NG. Census (tank) numbers were usually applied at the factory prior to despatch in approximately date order, however the motor cycles were not built in numerical order.
C 4,461,915 is too high, for this contract.
Roger Gwynn, Membership Secretary, curator of the Machine Register and the works drawings. Director of Draganfly Motorcycles, Craven Equipment and Supreme Motorcycles mostly retired.
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