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Re: Ariel Riding and Fixing 2023

Posted: Mon May 01, 2023 11:39 am
by Steven.Carter
My awning on my Caravan was a bit big the poles were unnecessarily heavy so I've had another idea with an old tent pole.

I used an old tarpaulin to make the patterns
Started sewing the bits together
Just need to put in a few eyelets to finish off.
Its much lighter

Re: Ariel Riding and Fixing 2023

Posted: Mon May 01, 2023 12:22 pm
by Julian Murphy
Yes, very good.

But, somebody has pinched a bit of your garden fence.. :) :) :)

Re: Ariel Riding and Fixing 2023

Posted: Mon May 01, 2023 3:13 pm
by Steven.Carter
It fell off when a tree bleew down. I have promised my wife I'll get on with it

Re: Ariel Riding and Fixing 2023

Posted: Mon May 01, 2023 7:30 pm
by Karol Burger
Hi Steven
I hope to be as active as you when I retire. You have a colorful life, I love watching your stories with Ariel. Today I got to ride a motorcycle for the first time this year.

Re: Ariel Riding and Fixing 2023

Posted: Mon May 01, 2023 8:06 pm
by Steven.Carter
Fantastic, nothing like an ice cream to celebrate a ride,,,,, but why has it got an old angle grinder disc in it :D

Re: Ariel Riding and Fixing 2023

Posted: Tue May 02, 2023 7:16 am
by Karol Burger
I carry that with me just in case I have a breakdown. :D I couldn't find another suitable place to put it down while taking photos. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Ariel Riding and Fixing 2023

Posted: Tue May 02, 2023 9:04 am
by Steven.Carter
Technically speaking for me the LDR is not over. My trip home from Newquay was only as far as Tiverton, long story but I'd left my car there for my last trip to Ireland. So I'm currently on the train to Tiverton to pick up my bike that id left there.
Now when I parked up everything was very oily, I'm guessing wet sumping, so a little spannering will be in order before I get on my way.

Re: Ariel Riding and Fixing 2023

Posted: Wed May 03, 2023 12:37 am
by Simon.Gardiner
Tiverton - my home town (although I left there when I was only a couple of years old). Two lots of mentions on the Forum! (Last time was the 2016 LDR).
I've got lots of family connections back there but try as I might I can't recall anyone ever using Tivvy as a stopping off point for a trip to Ireland. Clearly there's a very long story here somewhere...
Steve - you were pretty oily when you were there in 2016 as well ( according to the Forum comments)! :lol:


Re: Ariel Riding and Fixing 2023

Posted: Wed May 03, 2023 7:56 am
by Steven.Carter
I was actually just outside Tiverton in Uffculme, it was Tiverton Parkway that I got the train too.
OK the long story,,, you asked for it :D
I didn't have much time to catch the ferry from Pembroke on the Sunday of the LDR, I kinda booked it by mistake, so thinking ahead I got my car packed ready a week before the LDR and drove it to Uffculme leaving it with Chris and Jan catching the train home. That means leaving Newquay at 7:am getting to the car 100 miles away at 10am, then a 3 hour drive to Pembroke got me there in plenty of time and nearly relaxed,. If I'd ridden home and and drove that would have been an extra 150 miles, I wouldn't have made it,,, and I'd run out of oil :D
But again technically my LDR is still not over, my push bike is still at Southampton Parkway Station, I need a lift to pick it up :D :D

Re: Ariel Riding and Fixing 2023

Posted: Wed May 03, 2023 8:30 am
by Steven.Carter
Getting the Huntmaster ready for the Dutch,, but before I gave my BH a little look over, hmmm looks like I've lost some mudguard bolts and the fork seals have gone. At least the fairing kept the oil off my trousers