Web site seems slow to load replies.

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Holder of a Waxed Cotton Anorak
Holder of a Waxed Cotton Anorak
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Web site seems slow to load replies.

Post by dennis.t »

For the last couple of days the forum web site has been very slow to load "Quick Replies" (!) from me.
I have no problems with other web sites and my internet speed is good, approximately 30Mb/s.
Has anyone else experienced this problem.
1955 VH500 alloy head
1956 NH350 restoration in progress
Holder of a Waxed Cotton Anorak
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Re: Web site seems slow to load replies.

Post by dennis.t »

In fact the post above took 15 seconds from 'submit' to appearing as a reply. Normally, this process is almost instantaneous.
1955 VH500 alloy head
1956 NH350 restoration in progress
Holder of a Golden Anorak
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Re: Web site seems slow to load replies.

Post by will_curry »

I've noticed a few occasions recently where my posts have taken more than a
second or two to complete uploading.

The amount of data actually transmitted is really quite small unless images are
being uploaded but such uploaded are usually done and completed before
the 'submit' button gets clicked so I don't think network speed has anything
to do with it.

More likely is the fact that our forum is almost certainly on a shared server
and one of the other sites on the server is temporarily slowing things down,
particularly the database that's the basis of the forum.

Our Admin will have access to the server statistics and, if my speculation
is correct, will be able to take issue with the service providers if

However, I've experienced this forum on three different servers and there
has always been odd times where things have been a bit slow to upload.
Holder of a Waxed Cotton Anorak
Holder of a Waxed Cotton Anorak
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Re: Web site seems slow to load replies.

Post by dennis.t »

Thanks for your reply.
I have just created a new post and that took over 20 seconds to load. It is only a few lines of text.
I am not complaining I am just making an observation in case there is an underlying problem.
1955 VH500 alloy head
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Holder of a Golden Anorak
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Re: Web site seems slow to load replies.

Post by Simon.Gardiner »

The post I put in a couple of minutes ago took maybe 1 sec to go through.

The Forum performance (which is what we're looking at here) is a bit erratic, but as Will says we're at the mercy of the service providers with this. We're on a shared platform and I suspect they only make adjustments to re-balance between everyone every so often.

As a result of the exchanges I've had with the 'support' people over the last few months I don't have a particularly high opinion of them. We don't have access to some site stats any more (particularly those concerning the databases) because the numpties managed to break the process that collected the stats. That was first raised over a year ago with a promise that it would be fixed within the day. That obviously didn't happen and the current position is that because it hasn't been fixed the stats obviously don't matter...

I'd prefer to move off to somewhere that's managed by a proper professional outfit and not a bunch of children - but it's proving very difficult to find somewhere, we're not a 'junior' website any more.

SG (With admin hat on)
Web admin (webmaster@arielownersmcc.com)

'55 Huntmaster, '56 VH, ' 51 VH, '62 Arrow, '80 R100RT, '00 Sprint ST (now with a new Arrow project, and just now those 4-stroke Ariel parts can't even make one running bike...)
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