Swiss Ariel Mystery/Tragedy

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Swiss Ariel Mystery/Tragedy

Post by JWinfield »


The very helpful Simon G. has suggested that somebody may be able to help with this. There's a story behind my quest which I can relate if there is interest, but basically I'm trying to find information relating to a couple of 1931 (I think ?) Ariel 500 singles which found their way to Switzerland (exported ?) and were registered there. In late 1932 they were being ridden by two Swiss brothers and both were involved in a collision with a British MG sports car, killing the driver of the car (who was the son of a prominent English family). Sadly both the Swiss brothers died in the accident, although a pillion rider and the passenger in the car survived.
All I have is the frame and engine numbers, and a few other details, of the two bikes which I've obtained from the police report of the incident.
Is there anybody out there who may be able to help me ?


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Re: Swiss Ariel Mystery/Tragedy

Post by paul.jameson »

If you send me a private message containing the engine and frame numbers I can look them up for you which might, or might not, be of help to you, depending what it says in the Factory Despatch Book.
Paul Jameson
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Re: Swiss Ariel Mystery/Tragedy

Post by paul.jameson »

Further to our PM exchange, I confirm that both bikes were VF31 models which went to the Swiss Ariel agent, A. G. Titan in Zurich. Out of interest, what is the story?
Paul Jameson
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Re: Swiss Ariel Mystery/Tragedy

Post by JWinfield »

Many people will have heard of the D'Oyly Carte family who were very big in the musical theatre and hotel business through the late 19th and early 20th century. They owned both the Savoy Theatre and Hotel In London. The only eventual male heir to the dynasty was Michael, born in 1911, and after leaving school was being trained in hotel/theatre management. As part of his training he was touring and visiting hotels in Europe and on the 23rd October 1932 was driving his MG Sports Car from Lausanne to Zurich in Switzerland. While negotiating a bend in the road near Suhr he saw two motorcycles travelling towards him. The leading motorcycle, perhaps due to excessive speed, ran wide on the bend and collided with Michael's car which had spun in his attempt to avoid a collision. Michael was thrown from his car, suffered a fractured skull and died at the scene. The motorcyclist also died as did the rider of the second motorcycle after running into the wreckage. Happily the pillion on the second motorcycle and the passenger in Michael's car survived. The two motorcyclists were brothers, so a terrible loss for their families.
The final part of this tragic story, as you will have guessed, is that both the motorcycles were Ariels. From information I've taken from the police accident report and passed to your very helpful member Paul Jameson he's been able to tell me that the two bikes were both 500cc OHV VF31 models which left the factory in Nov/Dec 1930 and were exported to the dealership AG Titan in Zurich.
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Re: Swiss Ariel Mystery/Tragedy

Post by admin »

Seemed a good idea to get all these posts into the same thread.

John - thanks for filling us in with the details, all extremely interesting.

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