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Posting Images

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 6:47 pm
by admin
Uploading your own image
This is the preferred method - linking to images already on the web only works while the image is available (lots of images that are links to photobucket etc. files no longer work)
Most file types are supported .

If you are uploading your own image, then you will need to "post reply" to existing message.
(NB 'quick reply' doesn't have the options, use 'Full editor & preview' )
You will get a big white space to type into.

A little below that white space are three tabs (options, upload attachment, poll creation).
select "upload attachment"
You can then hit the "browse" button to select the image on your computer.
Then hit "add the file"
Once it's uploaded, you'll have the option to "place inline" which will allow you to embed it among your text.

Uploading an image that is already on the web,

This method is not approved!
Please see the policy on external images:

Re: Posting Images

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2019 5:31 pm
by JohnnyBeckett
HI John that is good to know i will have a go at doing that thank you

Re: Posting Images

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2022 1:28 pm
by fgething

Hello, new member to the four stroke club.